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If you are of average risk, you should begin having an annual screening mammogram at the age of 40. If you have known risk-factors, or a family history that may impact your breast cancer risk, your physician may refer you for a mammogram earlier than age 40.
Breast cancer is not preventable, but early detection leads to an almost 100% cure rate. We know some breast cancers can develop within a year, and those that do tend to metastasize early. That’s why getting into the habit of having an annual mammogram at the same time every year is the best practice for long-term health and peace of mind.
Screening mammograms are routine annual exams for women who are not experiencing any breast issues or symptoms of breast cancer. You may schedule a screening mammogram without a physician’s order, however, we will ask you to provide the name of a physician to whom we can send your report. Screening mammogram appointments usually take about 30 minutes, with the actual imaging portion lasting only a few minutes for each breast. You will receive your results by secure email within one to two business days.
Diagnostic mammograms are performed on women who are experiencing breast issues or symptoms of breast cancer, such as a breast lump, breast pain, dimpled or puckered skin, or nipple discharge. Diagnostic mammograms require a physician’s order for scheduling. You will need to have this order in hand prior to scheduling your appointment.
An appointment for a diagnostic mammogram will take longer than a screening appointment in order to capture additional images of a specific area of the breast or breasts. Diagnostic patients will not leave the appointment without having had a consultation with the radiologist about the results of the exam. The patient’s personal physician will also be informed of the results.
3D mammography is our foundation of care. It's the most accurate screening technology currently available, because it provides our breast-specialized radiologists with more than 60 images of breast tissue to evaluate.
We integrate 3D technology with SmartCurve, the revolutionary curved mammogram, to deliver a better mammogram that is more accurate and comfortable.
As one of the country’s leading authorities on 3D mammography, we know that it increases the early detection of invasive breast cancer by 54%, allowing our radiologists to find cancers as early as stage 0, and decreases call backs by 37 percent.
Click here to learn more about 3D mammography.
Many women have found standard, flat-surface mammograms to be uncomfortable. Because of this, Solis Mammography has invested in the research, development and launch of SmartCurve, a revolutionary new mammogram that is curved to match the shape of your breast.
SmartCurve’s unique curved surface distributes compression evenly across the breast, while reducing pinching and pulling. In clinical studies, 93% of women who experienced pain or discomfort in prior mammograms reported an increase in comfort. We pair SmartCurve with 3D technology at all Solis Mammography centers, for a better mammogram that delivers exceptional comfort and accuracy.
Depending on the state you live in, your 3D mammogram may be covered at 100% because of mandated coverage legislation. Diagnostic mammograms and other diagnostic studies may be subject to different coverage rates dependant on your individual plan. Please check your coverage with your insurance provider before your appointment with us.
For further clarification, please call our insurance team at (469) 398-4099 or email
The out-of-pocket cost for a mammogram can vary. Please contact us for more information, or email or call (866) 717-2551.
We also partner with mammography assistance programs:
A small percentage of patients are called back for an additional screening after their annual mammogram. If one of our breast specialized-radiologists cannot see something clearly, or sees something that they feel needs a second look, he or she will ask the patient to return for another exam, also known as a callback.
A callback is not a false-positive diagnosis of breast cancer nor is it an indication of any other breast condition. In fact, most women receive a clean bill of health after a callback.
Common reasons for a callback after a mammogram include:
- Images that need to be retaken for clarity in order to deliver an accurate reading
- Dense breast tissue
- Overlapping tissue
- Calcifications or a mass in the breast, such as a cyst or tumor
- An area of the breast that the radiologist would like to further investigate
- Changes from a prior screening
Women are more likely to receive a callback after their first mammogram, since there is not a prior mammogram to compare it to. 3D mammography has reduced callback rates by 37% because of its superior screening clarity and accuracy.
Click here to learn more about diagnostic mammograms.
Please use the link below to reschedule your appointment. You'll need to provide:
- Date of birth
- Appointment confirmation number