A life-saving message, 12 months a year

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we encouraged every woman to prioritize her breast health by not delaying her annual mammogram. It’s important to return to your regular screening regimen, because early detection is still the closest thing we have to a cure for breast cancer. October may be over, but this is a life-saving message 12 months of the year.
Facebook Live Events
Throughout the month of October, three of our radiologists hosted Facebook Live Events covering important breast health topics:
- Andrea Parada, MD hosted Risk Factors on October 14. Watch the replay.
- Anjali Malik, MD hosted Early Awareness on October 28. Watch the replay.
We hosted a #MammoChat on Twitter where we partnered with Dr. Malik and others to talk about breast health and breast care. You can see the entire Tweetchat on our timeline.
A1: Studies show a 40% mortality reduction with annual screening versus biennial. Which means getting your annual mammogram can save your life. Learn more about early detection here: https://t.co/5x7seV8xEd #MammoChat pic.twitter.com/aiU5fKd2vN
— Solis Mammography (@SolisMammo) October 16, 2020